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Adriana Rubio made a music record using her Synesthesia and twelve paintings made by Syd Barrett, the founding member of Pink Floyd. Barrett was also a visual artist who was born a Synesthete.


"Inspired By Syd Barrett's Artwork" was released by Cherry Red Records in the UK as “Garden Music Project” on July 7th, 2014, coincidentally with the eighth anniversary of Syd’s passing.


“Inspired By Syd Barrett’s Artwork” is mentioned on the Official website of Syd Barrett. Follow the link below and scroll down to 2014. Posts and mentions are in chronological order (year of release):


"Inspired By Syd Barrett's Artwork"







Doctor Darío Lisei and Adriana Rubio

A watercolor artwork by Ian Barrett was selected amongst a number of outstanding paintings Barrett kindly sent to choose from for a Neuroscience Project on Synesthesia.

Ian Barrett is a well known artist from Manchester, UK, the owner of Jurassic Jewellery and master creator of the most beautiful and fashion jewellery made out of Fossils, Moon Rocks and Meteorites. Ian’s creativity has no limit and fascinates his fans around the world to travel right to the Moon, Mars or Jupiter through affordable jewellery made with real natural materials. Ian is a passionate artist who loves mixing natural science, celestial

objects and galactic phenomena as the main inspiring components for his Jurassic Jewellery as well as for his painting artworks. 


Ian Barrett is the nephew of Roger “Syd” Barrett, the English musician who was born in Cambridge, UK. Syd Barrett was a visual artist, a Synesthete songwriter, composer and singer worldwide known as the founding member and front-man for Pink Floyd.


The art of Ian Barrett has also been inspired by the early music of his uncle. Some of his painting artworks reflect the primary elements used by Syd Barrett on musical compositions such as “Astronomy Domine”, “Octopus”, “Effervescent Elephant”, “Dark Globe” and many others. It looks like a personal way to keep alive the legacy of his uncle Roger “Syd” Barrett for the new generations.


The chosen painting was decoded by Adriana Rubio, a music journalist, book author and screenwriter who was born a Synesthete with Asperger’s Syndrome.


The Octopus is a music project scientifically supported and supervised by a group of skillful Physicians in Neurology (Doctor Darío Lisei), Radiology and Brain Scanning (Doctor Juan Chomont) and Physics (Doctor Gabriela de Pino).


It is a distinctive opening to study the entire process of Synesthesia in its diverse facets, including its cognitive, neural, and behavioral aspects.


It took place in Buenos Aires at British Hospital, a public institution founded in 1844 which provides the best medical care and services to the Argentine and English speaking communities and their descendants.


A Magnetic Resonance was performed on Adriana Rubio’s brain under the supervision of the above mentioned physicians.





















This technology allows us to observe areas of the brain and their activation, whether it is performing a cognitive task or simply "thinking about nothing", also known as "resting state". It is helpful for us to see different activated areas as well as their synchronism or lack of it, if applies.


“Adriana gave us a detailed explanation of the musical notes she hears while observing The Octopus watercolor artwork. She easily showed us the “song structure” and two musical scales to start writing the basics and go from there”.

















Music albums by “111” and Adriana Rubio plus Adriana’s “Garden Music Project” album (Inspired by Syd Barrett’s Artwork) are being distributed in China by Star Distribution, the biggest music management & distribution platform in: Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei and Hong Kong as well as some other platforms in Asia:

























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